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This 45 min flow begins on a spinal strip, awareness to breath and therapeutic arm movements. Then low lunge, a standing series and ends with pigeon, as seated twist and Savasana.

This 55 min class is a little bit of everything. Seated breath to begin, standing poses, and a twist to finish.

This class begins with 5 mins of seated meditation. Music can be a nice focus for meditation so add your favorite playlist to today's practice. Meditation does not have to be seated if that doesn't work in your body. Do what works for you. The class is a gentle movement class until we play with one of my favorite arm balances Bakasana or Crow pose. Remember it does not have to happen today, maybe give it a try and see what works in your body! Most of all have fun! I have fallen on my face in this pose many times so a pillow in front of you can give you a little more confidence!.

This class begins with attention to breath, prana and mudra to direct the flow of both. It moves through a standing sequence, and some hip stretches, then you stay in Savasana as long as you like.

This class has some strong poses but also modifications to make it available to everyone. A good flow with some therapeutic shoulder & hip movements to end.

This 45 min class is straight up vinyasa flow for those of you who just want to move in a traditional way!

This is a 70 min flow class that brings awareness to what makes us feel joyful and how that affects our practice. How does your body move when you have a joyful feeling in your body. Our brain and tissues are always listening to us, so positive self talk is so important!

This is a 45 min Flow it has a couple of challenging poses in it, but I offer modifications to make it attainable for everyone.

This 60 min flow begins with seated awareness to breath and how it moves in your body. We move onto a spinal strip with some shoulder movement and hip movement, through a standing series and seated twist, and finally Savasana remember to stay here as long as you like!

This class begins with seated essential breath awareness and moves into a standing flow series. Always make time for a few minutes of Savasana to end your practice.

This flow class begins on a spinal strip with some shoulder movement, then moves to standing poses, and back to the floor for some hip opening! A nice balanced flow! Enjoy

Welcome back to your practice. Many of us move away from our practice over the summer, and that's ok! This gentle flow will ease you back into your practice!

This 45 min Flow class will get you moving in all plains of motion. It begins with seated breath, side body lengthening then moves to lunges, forward folds, a few back bends and a reclined twist to finish and settle into Savasana. 

This flow class brings awareness to the 6th Chakra at the 3rd eye. Ajna Chakra, our place of intuition, wisdom and understanding. Let your awareness settle within and move from a place of feeling and inner knowing.

This class was one of your favorites from last fall so I thought I would repost it for you!

This flow class brings awareness to the Throat Chakra Vishuddha. A little play with Lion's breath then get grounded in lunges and standing poses. We are near a full moon so if you energy is low do what you can. If you have stamina find ease within the effort!

This 45 min Therapeutic Flow class begins seated with breath and a mudra honoring the 2nd Chakra Svadistana. You will then move through some therapeutic hip and shoulder movements and flow through a standing series of poses. The 2nd Chakra element is water so honor the flow of your movement and your breath.

This 45 min class begins seated with an awareness to your breath. We move into some lunges & twists. This practice will get you into your breath and your legs!

This is a 45 min flow class good for any time of day. It starts out slow getting your hips moving, then we wake up your core and move to a few strong standing poses. A little bit of everything to get your body moving. Stay in Savasana as long as you like.

This is a 30 min flow that begins with legs up the wall, and through some lunges to get you into your legs. A quick class to get you moving and grounded!

This is a quick 35 min flow for anytime of day!

This is a 45 min flow that focuses on supporting your Down Dog, you may feel your down dog change as you move through this practice.

This is a 60 min flow, you might want blocks and a towel you can fold up if you don't have a foam chip block. This may challenge your balance so you may want to do it near a wall, and some may find it a strong flow. Remember its your practice you can modify what you need to. Respect where you are at!

This class is a 50 min Flow class with some Therapeutic movements mixed in, which I refer to as Therapeutic Flow! This is what my personal practice looks like now! You will need a spinal strip or a bath towel you can roll up or make into a Z fold.

This is a 60 min class that will get you moving again if you took a break over the holidays! It is a strong Hatha style flow that allows you some time in each pose to breath and find alignment. You will need a spinal strip or a bath towel that you can roll up as a spinal roll, and blocks if you have them. A cushion to sit on to get started! Enjoy!

This is a 45 min flow class that will get you grounded and into your legs. We begin with learning what Ujjayi breath is and how to do it. You will need a wall to do a wall sit and a small cushion or foam chip block.

This is a 60 min flow. We start with some seated breath work, move to a spinal strip then to our flow. This class builds to a standing flow sequence that's just enough to open your hips a little.

We begin seated with attention to the length of our inhale & exhale, lengthening the exhale. Seated shoulder rolls, side bends and forward bends then move into a strong standing series. Pay attention to your breath throughout the practise, letting your breath create a sense of ease in each pose.

This class is a flow that lands us in our legs. Find the strength and stability in your legs and pelvis while keeping the upper body soft and relaxed. Let your breath flow freely to sustain you in this practise. A couple of blocks a spinal strip, or a large towel or blanket you can roll the length of your spine is helpful for this class.

This is a 45 min flow with a few strength building poses! Remember to work at your own pace and honour how you feel at the time of your practice.

This class is a short 30 min flow to open your hips.

This class is a 50 min flow, you can modify it to be what it needs to be for you, knees down, eliminate the arms. Connect with your breath to move and stay in the poses. I could feel the energy of the full moon as I recorded this practise and moved with whatever came to me. This full moon is about beginning a new cycle. Stay present and ask yourself what do I need &  where am I going from here?

This is a Hatha Style 60 min flow class where the poses are held for a few breaths. You can eliminate the arms to make it a little easier or add in chaturanga and up dog to make it a little more challenging. Adjust the poses so your practice is what you need it to be! Add your favorite playlist or take your practice outside!

This class is 35 mins of strong standing poses. Let your legs do the work keep your upper body quiet, and your spine neutral, arms are optional. Stay in your body and notice what you feel.

This class is a 60 min flow that builds on last week's class with an element of challenge in the standing postures. Honor where you are at when you do the class. If the extra challenge feels good, do it, if not, leave it out and be where you are at!

This class is a 45 min flow that will build strength in your legs and help you move your leg bones in your pelvis, while keeping the spine & pelvis neutral.

This class is a 45 min Flow

The Niyama Svadhyaya is our focus. "Svadhyaya or Self Study is about knowing our true identity as Divine and understanding the boxes we are wrapped in. This process of knowing ourselves, and the boxes that adorn us, creates a pathway to freedom." Deborah Adele

This is a 45 min flow with a focus on breath and finding ease within the effort. Saucha is our focus the first of the Niyamas or Yogic observances. 

Saucha - Purity "Whatever form purifying takes, it always begins with an intention to lighten the load we are carrying."
Deborah Adele

This class is a 60 minute Slow Flow, you might want a block. Our awareness turns inward to what we feel. Bring awareness to moving from a truthful and honorable place. The focus of this class is the 3rd Yama, Asteya Nonstealing. Asteya calls us to live with integrity and reciprocity. 

70 Min Core Centered Flow need a block

We begin in a reclined meditation with an awareness to Ahimsa Non-Violence the first of our series on the Yamas & Niyamas. "Fear creates violence. To create a life and a world free of violence is first and foremost to find our own courage." The Yamas & the Niyamas" by Deborah Adele. Ahimsa begins within with a love of self first. We begin this series focusing on strengthening and loving what lies within each of us!

50 minute moderate flow. There are questions for reflection on my Facebook page that may plant seeds for intentions for your New Year. The class begins with a brief reflection of the past year, some grounding movement and will leave you in Savasana. Take some time in meditation after your practice to create your intentions for 2021.

30 Min Hip Opening Flow 

A practise that will be great for over the holidays when we tend to sit a lot.


Happy Holidays!

60 minute slow flow that can be easily modified to a gentle flow

30 Minutes of Strong Flow

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